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Design Portfolio
My name is Kelsey Anilee Smith, and I am an artist, graphic designer, and photographer. I love working with clients to bring their products to the world in a compelling and beautiful way. Take a look at my print designs, graphic designs, web designs and photography to see if we might make a good team!
p h o t o g r a p h y
p r i n t d e s i g n
Kelsey Anilee Smith Artist Cards
As an artist in my spare time, I often turn some of my work into note cards or other printed materials. For these vegetable cards I designed them with a bleed and created simple matching packaging to go with them, and show that each pack contains four designs.
Rebekah L. Smith Pattern Design-Cover
I did the print layouts and graphics for 20 printed patterns and dozens of digital download patterns (designed to be printed) for Rebekah L. Smith. The print line was designed to be folded in half, and had specific industry standards for the covers which I adhered to in the design. The covers for the whole line matched, the color blocking making them stand out amongst the typical pattern in a display.
Rebekah L. Smith Pattern Design-Interior
All of Rebekah's patterns included supply lists and stitching tips, along with project-specific instructions and patterns to be traced. I cleaned up the patterns in Illustrator and laid everything out in InDesign.
Kelsey Anilee Smith Artist Cards & Prints
Along with note cards, I sometimes create other unique designs like these quote cards. They were designed to go inside the note cards and featured my artwork re-imagined as a border along with holiday quotes.
Peninsula Village Antiques Signage
I created this tent sign for PVA to advertise applications, including the use of QR code for ease of access.
Kelsey Anilee Smith Stickers
I have designed stickers for myself and for sale. This required learning to use a vinyl plotter and setting up the designs so that they would print and cut. I have also learned to set up files for laser cutting, and enjoy learning how to design for new technology through my local maker space.
g r a p h i c s
Instagram graphic for Rebekah L. Smith
Pinterest Graphic for Rebekah L. Smith
Logo Design for The Shepherd's Wool
Mini-Conference Schedule
w e b s i t e d e s i g n
Ainsley Carter Services Page
The services page had to have a lot of text for Ainsley in order to make sure she fully communicated what she offers. We broke it down into three categories, which are separated by more beautiful grass photos to keep visual interest and the calm, natural atmosphere.
The Shepherd's Wool Events Page
The client was thrilled to have a place to put up her events and help promote her shop. Visit to see her site.
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