I know it has been awhile since I posted-my apologies for a long absence. How wonderful it is to be in autumn again! This autumn has been extended, and I am grateful for a few extra days of warm colors filtering the sun. Too soon we will be bundled, but this, too, can be a gift.
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."
John Ruskin

And just as all weather has it's gifts, so does each season of life. This season has been harder than any before it, and yet I press on. Not of my own strength, but of that found in the God who holds onto us. He is a God who knows our pain and the long hours of waiting in darkness. And He has given me much joy.

Though it has been long there have been so many new things cooking, old things stewing. All of this has culminated in some of what I think might be my best work, along with a new website all my own! I hope you enjoy this new experience as I look forward to sharing more with you all in this way.
Being an almost-one-woman show presents its challenges, and so since I have been working on this my writing has been on the back burner. A new job in addition to the old ones has tied up my time. But I plan on being more active once again as I get back into a more normal schedule. After the show-that's my motto lately!

I hope you can join me at From Our Hands and Hearts on November 11th and 12th! If not, don't worry-everything left over will put up on the website afterwards, so stay tuned.